Monday, August 21, 2006

Miracles are happening...are you in the circle?

This is nothing short of a miracle guys...they were going to take him off of the vent yesterday. His sister said they told the family he would never wake up, he had too much brain damage...
SUNDAY, AUGUST 20, 2006 09:55 PM, CDT
The Circle Finds Deliverance
By Josh Avery, Guest Writer
Tonight our prayers have been answered in the smallest of ways. We have prayed for Nick's healing- for signs that he will not be in a coma for the rest of his life. The doctors, however, were not as enthusiastic. This morning and on mornings before, they gave a somber and negative report, claiming that they believed there would probably be no recovery, and that he would most likely never come out of the coma that he has been in since the surgery.
We, however, don't believe in science. Of course, it's great to have these doctors here and we appreciate them.... but we also know that the certainty of science is not the end of the plan when God is involved.
Tonight, as the doctors told us there was no hope of recovery, we still held on to that hope. Circle members across the nation came together in prayer, and still gather in prayer, praying for that full recovery. Well my friends...we have seen the first steps in that recovery- the impossible in the eyes of science.
Tonight Nick moved his fingers. They told us from day 1 that when the sedative wore out, he would start by moving his fingers, then coughing, then waking up more and more in other ways. My mom was holding Nick's hand tonight, about 45 minutes ago, and she felt his fingers moving- slowly, but surely. She rushed out into the hallway to tell the nurse... and the nurse informed her that she already knew- she had felt Nick moving his fingers on the right side, but she was afraid it was just her imagination!
Continue praying, soldiers! Continue praying, prayer warriors! The enemy is losing ground, and we will not back down! "And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." (Romans 5:5)
After all the hope of the medical community has been extingushed and they are sure of their thinking.... we see a miracle, something that could come from no source but God. We have seen this 3 times so far- once when Nick survived the "unsurvivable surgery"- (The surgeon told us going in that "she hoped luck would be on her side.") Secondly when Nick pulled through his kidneys shutting down, where the doctors tried dialysis and it didn't work (they told us they had done everything they could).... only to have his kidneys start working again. Thirdly, they told us he was most likely not going to survive the swelling of his lungs, and that even though he was on antibiotics, it didn't look good... and the swelling is now decreasing with every passing day.
They have said there was no chance of a real change in his brain- that the damage was far too great to expect too much. Now we wait for another miracle... we wait for deliverance once more, so that those who don't know the name of God can see that He has pulled Nick through all of this!
Praise the name of Elyon! (El-Elyon is the Hebrew name for God, by the way. :) )
Never Break the Circle.
Dive Deep.

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