Monday, November 05, 2007

This and That

Hello! It's me....the one who never comes around anymore. lol...sorry about that. I've been tired alot lately. I'll get into that at another time.... ; )

I wanted to tell you all about something Target is doing for St. Jude. If you go to and buy some of the stuff on the wish lists of patients, they will be delivered to them on Christmas. Not just the patients, but their families too. It helps them through the holidays when they aren't really where they would normally want to be. It seems like whenever I update, I'm just asking you all to go out and spend money...sorry about that.

There's nothing real exciting happening here. My daughter is in a Youth Orchestra, plus she is trying out for an honors band, plus she is trying out for her chair in her regular band. So..she has me running everywhere. She is in the pic below somewhere...I think she is next to and kind of behind the tall kid in front.

My son is doing good, although I think he may be grounded when report cards come home next week. No more TV, or video games. Here he is meeting Grand Master Soon Ho Lee at a tournament.

We went to see Trans Siberian Orchestra Saturday night. It was interesting. I STILL have a headache from it. And I wish someone would have told me it was 3 hours long. I almost peed my pants. I taped a song and if I could ever figure out how to get the video on here...I'll upload it.

I will be back soon...I promise....; )
Have a great day!


Melanie said...

We went to that show last year and it was long, but it was good. Congrats again to Jennifer for making Honor's Band and second chair too! :)

Jeremy Ryan said...

I've seen them before, it's a great show and well worth the money...hence 3 hours!

I just picked up their new album a couple weeks ago. It's great!

Anonymous said...

Ummm couldn't you just get up and go to the bathroom sassy pants?? or was there a TSO potty police out making sure you sat thru every single moment??? ha...:)

seriously..I like some of their music but I don't ever feel the need to go SEE them...they always come here on busy weekends and around the holidays (obviously) so I just never bother. Plus a certain annoying cousin of mine is so into them that I've been subjected to them a little TOO much (and you know who I mean)

I'm glad to hear about all the kids' accomplishments! They are certainly making you a proud mama! (maybe Jimmy will surprise you and his grades won't be THAT bad...???)