Monday, December 17, 2007

Happy Monday it just me or is that baby over there----------------------------->
sucking its thumb?

I am going for that ultrasound tomorrow. Melanie says its not used in place of an amnio, but my dr. must prefer them to one. He says he doesn't do the amnio anymore unless its absolutely necessary. Thats fine by me because I was NOT looking forward to a giant needle in my belly.

I am just about to the point of not wearing my old clothes. I am going to need the maternity ones soon. Although, I haven't gained any weight yet. Of course I had enough for 10 babies before I got pregnant. When I was pregnant with my son, I gained 5 pounds and he was 9lbs 7 oz. 22 1/2 inches.

OK..I will let you all know what the big test says....


Melanie said...

Make sure they do a scan on you around 37 weeks to make sure this one is not too big. Were you full term with your son or late?

Connie said...

He was 15 days late. : )

Melanie said...

I wouldn't worry about it then. He would have been probably a pound or more lighter if he came on time. Hopefully this one won't be late. :)